Vaibhav Chambers,

Vaibhav Chambers
BKC, Mumbai
The client has tasked us with presenting a design proposal aimed at revitalizing their headquarters in BKC, Mumbai, while adhering to sustainable building principles. Our design intent is twofold: to foster a harmonious relationship between the proposed structure and the burgeoning architectural landscape of the BKC business district, and to infuse the building with a new vitality. At the forefront of our design is the dynamic façade, which boasts a modular origami profile. This innovative feature not only lends aesthetic appeal but also serves practical purposes. By making the entrance more discernible, it facilitates ease of access for visitors while doubling as a passive marketing tool for the brand. Emphasizing the significance of the building’s summit, we have devoted special attention to its design. Its prominence on the skyline, its impact on the local streetscape, and its visibility from afar all underscore the importance of its architectural expression. Furthermore, our design approach extends beyond the building’s exterior. We recognize the importance of crafting a well-designed environment both within and outside the premises, thereby enhancing the quality of life for its occupants. This holistic approach ensures that the building not only stands as a beacon of sustainability and innovation but also fosters a conducive and enriching experience for all who interact with it. 

“The façade is not just a statis element; it should be dynamic, adaptable and responsive to changing environmental conditions and user needs.” – Herzog and de Meuron