Business bay,

Business Bay

Business bay acts as catalyst for a 100-acre masterplan, to capture the growing expanse of Ahmedabad. The vision outlines a highly activated development that will set a benchmark for new age workspace environment. High quality streets provide a framework for a high-density development along the perimeter of the site that is lined with continuous vibrant retail frontage. The masterplan is divided into 4 quarters for phasing and flexibility in development. Each quarter has a central square for building access. These squares are further visually and spatially interconnected.  

More than 40000 people are expected to inhabit this development. Shared streets are designed to provide shaded outdoor environment to compliment these workspaces. Being a high-density project, the design aims to accommodate efficient transit, diverse workspace and a thriving public life. 

"As architects, we have the opportunity to shape the future of our cities through thoughtful master planning, creating business districts that are not only successful from a commercial standpoint but also enrich the lives of those who inhabit them." Frank Gehry

Design Principles

Business bay acts as a catalyst due to its robust mix use character and design features integrated with public plaza, pedestrian streets and recreation courts. The mix use approach for development provides an opportunity to incorporate a variety of built and unbuilt spaces. It is essential to develop the masterplan in a flexible way to cater to the lifecycle of this project.  

The vision for upcoming destination demands a lot of new activities to suit the changing trends. Incorporation of built activities, pedestrian zones, product promotional activities, instead recreation courts, parks and efficient parking arrangements. This planning also ensures the built form is segregated to suit the business formats. The masterplan accommodates a variety of use while successfully amalgamating the land parcel. 

Design Evolution

Street Design

Functional street sections that address requirement of a working community. Buildings and streets in this development work cohesively. Alignment of the buildings is such that the pedestrian streets are shaded in the afternoon. Also, a row of trees protects pedestrian movement. Appropriate arrangements have been made for signages’ billboards, lighting, etc to facilitate the user. 

Central Square Design

The Park is located in a way to accommodate parking underneath. It also facilitates the pickup and drop facility for most public and private vehicles. Stretches through two important quarters but easily approached by quarters of the development. A central spine through the transport hub and park facilitates a strong pedestrian movement. The central public car park/ service Hub is stacked below the green park. An efficient way to manage a connected circulation for private vehicles. This area has seamless connection to major office buildings in quarter II and III. 

Building Morphology